May 1, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Power and prejudice: Burbank City Council elects new mayor

I watched the reorganization meeting of the Burbank City Council on the city website this morning. I spoke later with someone who had been in the city council chambers during that all important meeting and we both agreed it was unusually quick and somber, but with one major surprise. Vice-Mayor Dave Golonski getting the votes to move up to mayor, […]
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jean Youn: Is it May or March again?

February this year has 29 days, instead of 28, because it is a leap year which comes every four years. Now, the solar calendar is the one which most of the countries on the globe use. However, there are some countries which use both the solar and the lunar calendar, especially in the Orient. China and Korea are representative among them. The […]