
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tears and tension at Burbank City Council reorganization mtg

The Burbank City Council conducted its annual reorganization meeting last Monday, May 2,  at City Hall. The meeting was pretty routine, except for a few moments that stood out; such as the emotional walk down memory lane for outgoing Mayor Bob Frutos and a tense drama during the selection of vice mayor, which had many on the edge of their […]
Friday, May 1, 2015

Photo Gallery: Burbank gets a new mayor

As expected Burbank vice-mayor, Bob Frutos, got the votes from his colleagues to move into the mayor’s position. The vote was unanimous. Frutos, a veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department, was elected to city council in 2013 and will be serving as mayor for one year. Frutos takes over the job from Dr. David Gordon who will continue to […]
Friday, August 1, 2014

Guest Blogger Jackie Waltman: Burbank mayor position. Is it time for a change?

It may be time to seriously talk about the position of Burbank City Mayor.  For years the position of Burbank mayor has been largely ceremonial. The position has been conferred on a rotational basis to council members by their colleagues.  This practice sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. First off, I would like to say that any citizen who is willing […]
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Eric Garcetti for mayor sign in Burbank

Eric Garcetti is caught up in a tight run-off with Wendy Greuel for mayor of Los Angeles. That’s why it was a little odd to see an “Eric Garcetti for mayor”  sign sticking in the lawn of a resident on South Griffith Park near West Verdugo Avenue here in Burbank a few days ago. No, Media City residents cannot vote […]
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Burbank Election News: Major endorsement for Ferguson, Frutos campaign video and more

Burbank School Board candidate, Steve Ferguson, has picked up a major endorsement. His campaign sent out a news release today announcing the endorsement of the Burbank Teachers Association. In the release, BTA President ,Lori Adams, is quoted as saying: “Steve has been very involved in many areas of city government in Burbank and will bring new ideas and energy to […]